Barry M Schwartz:
Laura in the middle of the riverbed
Barry M Schwartz:
Linnea looking east
Barry M Schwartz:
Randy in the Woods
Barry M Schwartz:
Nan and Dustin-2
Barry M Schwartz:
Nan and Dustin-1
Barry M Schwartz:
John doing his thing
Barry M Schwartz:
The Bridge Tree
Barry M Schwartz:
The Meadow
Barry M Schwartz:
Barry M Schwartz:
Linnea at rivers edge
Barry M Schwartz:
Linnea getting a closeup of Ice
Barry M Schwartz:
Gil getting a good shot
Barry M Schwartz:
The View
Barry M Schwartz:
Jackies got it in his sights
Barry M Schwartz:
Taking it all in
Barry M Schwartz:
bright light on the Rio Grande
Barry M Schwartz:
Barry M Schwartz:
The Overhang
Barry M Schwartz:
Real Grand Contrails
Barry M Schwartz:
The Rio Grande, Bosque, and Sandias
Barry M Schwartz:
Yiu are Here
Barry M Schwartz:
Nan in a tunnel of trees
Barry M Schwartz:
Igal in the woods -framed
Barry M Schwartz:
The Rio Grande, looking south east from the Bosque
Barry M Schwartz:
The moon
Barry M Schwartz:
The sunlight was blinding
Barry M Schwartz:
Siphon Beach Corrales