Barry M Schwartz: a welcome sign
Barry M Schwartz: we filled the outer parking lot
Barry M Schwartz: a nice walk from the parking area to the lakes
Barry M Schwartz: Things are looking up
Barry M Schwartz: some serious photographers
Barry M Schwartz: the blue path
Barry M Schwartz: rare kissing during Marauders outing
Barry M Schwartz: in stride
Barry M Schwartz: Marauder in their element
Barry M Schwartz: sideways shot by Melissa
Barry M Schwartz: Marauder in action
Barry M Schwartz: water is flowing again
Barry M Schwartz: poles and cottenwoods
Barry M Schwartz: dock and lake
Barry M Schwartz: view from the bridge
Barry M Schwartz: the old rowboat
Barry M Schwartz: sardine can in net
Barry M Schwartz: Vicky in IR
Barry M Schwartz: Dried limb and lake
Barry M Schwartz: Reflections and Marauder
Barry M Schwartz: Marauders at work
Barry M Schwartz: Shady and Sunny Lakes
Barry M Schwartz: leaning cottonwood
Barry M Schwartz: Shady Lakes fishing, south of Bernalillo. Not open to the public recently but hoping for a revival soon.
Barry M Schwartz: Can of Sardines at the fishing hole
Barry M Schwartz: Lilly Pads and flowers
Barry M Schwartz: Dry lake at Shady Lakes