Barry C. Austin:
Westminster Cathedral
Barry C. Austin:
The Entrance
Barry C. Austin:
The Nave
Barry C. Austin:
The Sanctuary from Nave
Barry C. Austin:
The Sanctuary
Barry C. Austin:
St Patrick's Chapel
Barry C. Austin:
Lady Chapel
Barry C. Austin:
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Barry C. Austin:
Chapel of St Joseph
Barry C. Austin:
Holy Souls Chapel
Barry C. Austin:
Westminster Cathedral
Barry C. Austin:
Recital Program Page 1
Barry C. Austin:
Recital Program Page 2
Barry C. Austin:
Methodist Central Hall Westminster
Barry C. Austin:
Westminster Abbey
Barry C. Austin:
Westminster Abbey
Barry C. Austin:
Recital Program Page 1
Barry C. Austin:
Recital Program Page 2
Barry C. Austin:
Christ's Chapel Dulwich College
Barry C. Austin:
Christ's Chapel Dulwich College
Barry C. Austin:
The Tower and Entrance
Barry C. Austin:
The Choir and Altar
Barry C. Austin:
Edward Alleyn's Tomb
Barry C. Austin:
Altar and Reredos through the Choir
Barry C. Austin:
The Altar and reredos
Barry C. Austin:
Reredos and flowers
Barry C. Austin:
The Altar
Barry C. Austin:
Beautiful marquetry
Barry C. Austin:
Nativity Scene
Barry C. Austin:
The Nave and Organ