barn_hill: where barrett wouldn't take us
barn_hill: barrett and the .22
barn_hill: post failure pile disgust
barn_hill: tom needs nourishment
barn_hill: red velvet cupcake from astoria bakery in stink town
barn_hill: they call her "tiny death"
barn_hill: barrett and the .22
barn_hill: sucky street slush in stink town
barn_hill: liiiiiibs
barn_hill: washing down the amorphous pile of lunch
barn_hill: totally satisfied
barn_hill: canada...
barn_hill: going to town on the failure pile
barn_hill: take that, canada!
barn_hill: dance time!
barn_hill: snaggle tooth
barn_hill: creep face
barn_hill: me and the .22
barn_hill: spot the douchbag
barn_hill: in the suck
barn_hill: he should be in the ads
barn_hill: doing what he does best
barn_hill: toby the sniper
barn_hill: tom and his favorite toy
barn_hill: ear to ear
barn_hill: time to reload...
barn_hill: giving canada the bird
barn_hill: red velvet cupcake
barn_hill: astoria bakery in stink town