Barney Pell: Xonchi and Michael
Barney Pell: Sonya Chawla and Auren Hoffman
Barney Pell: Barney Pell and Sonya Chawla with Catster Shirts at Founders Brunch
Barney Pell: Someone and Jeff Clavier
Barney Pell: Rachel Payne with sunglasses and Barney Pell
Barney Pell: Peter Thiel Nellie Minkova Max Levchin at Founders Brunch
Barney Pell: Megan and Andy
Barney Pell: Leftover PDAs and phones at Founders Brunch
Barney Pell: IMG_2384
Barney Pell: IMG_2383
Barney Pell: Gregg Tseng with shirt and food at Founders Brunch
Barney Pell: Gaye Beceren Barney and friend
Barney Pell: Erin Turner and Richard Ling
Barney Pell: Barney Pell and Sami Inkinen at Founders Brunch