Barnettart: Variations on a Theme by JF Sebastian*
Barnettart: Variations on a Theme by JF Sebastian*
Barnettart: Variations on a Theme by JF Sebastian*
Barnettart: iPhonographic Chromaprint series
Barnettart: Chromaprint series #3
Barnettart: 1800s Chromaprint Series #2
Barnettart: 21st Cent. Schizoidist self has 6 ft
Barnettart: From the Sad Safeway where the insane guy shot people.
Barnettart: The Kitchen Sink
Barnettart: After 36 hours without sleep, everything looks either cool or terrible. I liked it.
Barnettart: Read Lightly; Reflexion…
Barnettart: Drinker's Death Mask2
Barnettart: Drinker's Death Mask
Barnettart: Molten building in China
Barnettart: 21st Cent. Schizoidist self portrait
Barnettart: 21st Cent. Schizoidist Discovers Neighboring Multiverse!
Barnettart: 21st Cent. Schizoidist self importants
Barnettart: 21st Cent. Schizoidist self foodist
Barnettart: Alvernon Fence BW tinted to look like...
Barnettart: Alvernon and on and on series
Barnettart: Alvernon and on and on series
Barnettart: Alvernon and on and on series
Barnettart: iCamera HDR is fun when it doesn't crash.
Barnettart: Ditto the previous shot, but this is the one
Barnettart: RED-GREEN-BLUE!
Barnettart: Alvernon architect & fences, Tucson
Barnettart: Alvernon and on and on series
Barnettart: Gardening in Tucson, AZ, The cactus variations
Barnettart: iCan'tTellWhereTheHoodLeavesOff