Andy & Dorothy:
Plane of Doom
Andy & Dorothy:
Yay! We're still alive!
Andy & Dorothy:
Welcome (and goodbye?) at the Gunung Sitoli airport
Andy & Dorothy:
Gunung Sitoli- Capital City of Nias
Andy & Dorothy:
Gunung Sitoli Main Street
Andy & Dorothy:
Andy & Dorothy:
The honeymoon suite at Hotel Gomo
Andy & Dorothy:
Steve in the Premium Suite
Andy & Dorothy:
A Scratch n' Sniff would give you a better idea of these bathrooms...
Andy & Dorothy:
In front of Hotel "No Go!" in Gunung Sitoli
Andy & Dorothy:
Tricycle- or, the Nias equivalent of a taxi
Andy & Dorothy:
Boxed Lunches at the Hotel Gomo Lounge
Andy & Dorothy:
View of the Indian Ocean from an orphanage
Andy & Dorothy:
Indiana Jones Bridge (on the way to the orphanage)
Andy & Dorothy:
Orphan boy, post mid-day mandi (bath)
Andy & Dorothy:
Andy & Dorothy:
Outside, looking in
Andy & Dorothy:
Andy & Dorothy:
Andy & Dorothy:
Orphanage yard
Andy & Dorothy:
My trio of guides
Andy & Dorothy:
Main hall at the orphanage, where the children sleep on these bedrolls
Andy & Dorothy:
Instant soccer game
Andy & Dorothy:
Action shot
Andy & Dorothy:
We wanted to take them home!
Andy & Dorothy:
Blowing bubbles with Jen
Andy & Dorothy:
He wins the bubble prize!
Andy & Dorothy:
Respectable group shot
Andy & Dorothy:
Now for the nutty shot!
Andy & Dorothy:
Little boy in front of his house, on the road to Namohalu.