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albums of Barnert Temple NJ
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Barnert Temple's The Big Event Gala 2014
2013 Pizza in the Hut (Sukkot)
2013 Thanksgivukah Shabbat
2014 Barnert Temple Mitzvah Mall
Simchat Torah 2013
2012 Interfaith Chanukah Celebration
Men's Club Wine Tasting 2013
Purim Shpiel 2013
Purim Gifts to Navy 2013
Barnert Temple 2013 Mitzvah Mall & Pancake Breakfast
BarTY Apple Picking 2012
Mt. Nebo Geniza 2012
Barnert Temple 2012 Religious School Award Recipients
Barnert Temple Interfaith Chanukah Potluck Supper
Barnert Temple 5th Graders Carry Water
Academy for Conscious Change Graduates
Women & Children in Rwanda Collect Water
Gretchen Wallace & Global Grassroots
Barnert Temple, Jewish Helping Hands and Global Grassroots in Rwanda 2011
Celebrate Israel Parade 2011
2011 One Book One Community Event at Barnert Temple
Barnert Temple Purim Shpiel 2012
Anat Hoffman Speaks at Barnert Temple
Barnert Temple Mitzvah Mall and Pancake Breakfast 2011
Men's Club Havdallah Dinner 2011
Barnert Temple Men's Club Meet & Meat 2011
BarTY Chocolate Tasting
Barnert Temple Preschool's Tour de Barnert Trike a Thon 2011
Barnert Temple Preschool's Chai Caring Day 2011
Barnert Temple Preschool Chanukah Party 2010
Barnert Temple Preschool Social Action
Barnert Temple Preschool Shabbat Pics
Teacher Appreciation Day Luncheon 2010
BTPPA Ladies Night Out with Varka's Chef George Georgiades
Barnert Temple Preschool's Special Guest Shabbat
Barnert Temple Preschool Tour de Barnert Charity Trike-a-Thon
Preschool Hamantaschen Bakery & Purim Shpiel 2010
Barnert Temple Preschool Me & My Special Guy 2010
Barnert Temple's Pizza in the Hut 2010
Barnert Temple Day Camp Razzle Dazzle 2010
Barnert Temple's Shabbat Under the Blankets
Men's Club Pancake Breakfast 2009
Barnert Temple's Social Hall Showcase
Barnert Temple's Annual Casino Night 2010
Barnert Temple's Peace Through Music: Concert for Darfur
Ruth Messinger, President AJWS, Speaks at Barnert Temple
Barnert Temple's Zahal Shalom Breakfast
Barnert Temple Preschools Special Guest Shabbat 2009
Barnert Temple's Religious School Confirmation 2009
Barnert Temple's Consecration Service and Sara Losch's 20th Anniversary Shabbat Celebration
Barnert Temple's Celebration of Giving Gala Event
Barnert Temple Preschool's Me & My Special Guy 2009
Barnert Temple 2009 Mitzvah Mall
Barnert Temple Sisterhood Women's Seder 2009
Barnert Temple's Purim Shpiel 2009
Barnert Temple 2009 Purim Carnival
Barnert Temple Preschool Hamantaschen Bakery and Purim Shpiel
Barnert Temple's Annual Blood Drive
Barnert Temple's Tu Bishvat Seder and Pot Luck Dinner
Barnert Temple's Shabbat Shirah with Dan Nichols
Barnert Temple Preschool's 2009 Fantastics Art Gallery
Barnert Temple Preschool's PJ & Hot Chocolate Day
Barnert Temple's Mt. Nebo Cemetery
Chanukah Menorah Lighting
Barnert Temple Preschool Middle Eastern Night
Barnert Temple Facilities
Barnert Temple Preschool Chanukah Party 2008
Barnert Temple Sisterhood Game Night/Mah Jongg Night
Barnert Temple's Latkes Vodkas & Tchotchkes "Fun"raiser
Barnert Temple Sisterhood Holiday Boutique
Barnert Temple Preschool
Barnert Temple Day Camp
Barnert Temple Men's Club Pancake Breakfast & Prius Raffle Drawing
Simchat Torah at Barnert Temple
David Saperstein Speaks at Barnert Temple
Barnert Temple Men's Club Member/Spouse Havdalah Dinner
Barnert Temple's Tashlich Ceremony
Barnert Temple Sukkot Apple Picking Event
Barnert Temple's Pizza in the Hut 2008
Barnert Temple's Sukkah Construction 2008