Barnard College: Biology—How much sugar is too much? Maximizing the cephalic-phase insulin release in mice
Barnard College: Biology—How much sugar is too much? Maximizing the cephalic-phase insulin release in mice
Barnard College: Neuroscience & Behavior—Characterization of Extended Amygdala Pathways: Implications for Enhanced Fear Learning
Barnard College: Physics—FIRE-Hose: Bringing the Photons Down the Pipeline
Barnard College: Physics—FIRE-Hose: Bringing the Photons Down the Pipeline
Barnard College: SRI Poster Session 2015
Barnard College: Environmental Science—Carbon & nitrogen in black birch trees of Black Rock Forest: What is changing as the black birches take over?
Barnard College: Environmental Science—Carbon & nitrogen in black birch trees of Black Rock Forest: What is changing as the black birches take over?
Barnard College: Chemistry—Protein folding of variants of C. psychrerythraea cytochrome c552
Barnard College: Chemistry—Protein folding of variants of C. psychrerythraea cytochrome c552