Introspective Mind:
Dreams reveal through hidden wishes of soul
Introspective Mind:
On your sweet birthday, Lopa !!! (Explored)
Introspective Mind:
The lake, the moonlit night, gentle breeze of spring and a few idle hours of togetherness
Introspective Mind:
Introspective Mind:
The globe is entrapped in web; so is the life.....
Introspective Mind:
All in wilderness.....
Introspective Mind:
The eye of Nature !
Introspective Mind:
It was time to kick off the dreams of life....
Introspective Mind:
Smile !!
Introspective Mind:
Love !!
Introspective Mind:
Faith !!
Introspective Mind:
Not a dead snake !!
Introspective Mind:
On the beach...
Introspective Mind:
The passion of the life....
Introspective Mind:
As the mind says.....
Introspective Mind:
Peace !!