Bari J.:
Auditioning Art Gallery Pure Elements in Nocturnal for the supporting role of Sashing in my Splendor 1920 crazy quilt. I think she's a shoe-in for the part.
Bari J.:
What happens after I make 15 blocks the same exact way... The decision to add my most fav technique: FMQ collage. More. Is. More.
Bari J.:
Angle play. Starting with a triangle in the center makes it more difficult but in the end, more interesting.
Bari J.:
So what's a quilter to do when she finds an age old WIP? Why, start a new one, of course. #splendor1920
Bari J.:
And with the ceremonial wrapping of the finger tip in a Hello Kitty bandage, she was ready to stitch. X stitch!