Bargain Betty: A Writer at Leisure
Bargain Betty: Lounging Lady 3 (Best One)
Bargain Betty: Sex Sells
Bargain Betty: Who Says Photography Isn't Sexy?
Bargain Betty: Body Shot
Bargain Betty: Come Hither
Bargain Betty: Pen as Lover
Bargain Betty: Mental Masturbation
Bargain Betty: Seventeen Dollars...
Bargain Betty: Get To Bed!
Bargain Betty: Female Archetype 2
Bargain Betty: Female Archetype
Bargain Betty: Addiction
Bargain Betty: "The Solitary Vice"
Bargain Betty: Get Lucky
Bargain Betty: Coquettish
Bargain Betty: The Reluctant Maid
Bargain Betty: Feeling Naughty?