Adrianne Behning Photography: Finalizing some merch shots for Get some presents for the special feline(s) in your life.
Adrianne Behning Photography: Learning German words
Adrianne Behning Photography: The test pressings have landed. And they're lavender-gray.
Adrianne Behning Photography: Heritage Preserve
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120829_213105
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120826_201309
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120826_195209
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120825_191357
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120824_222132
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120823_011939
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120821_233619
Adrianne Behning Photography: IMG_20120808_170946
Adrianne Behning Photography: Last post from Hospital Land tonight: Things nurses ask
Adrianne Behning Photography: Don't be a dirtbag.
Adrianne Behning Photography: Doug decided to order the nuclear (ghost chili) aoli on his burger. Standby for photos of the pain.
Adrianne Behning Photography: Doug hat ein Stift. Doug ist ein gut Studentin
Adrianne Behning Photography: Me and the Moon
Adrianne Behning Photography: Trying to sleep