cecilyjo: Atkinson Angel
cecilyjo: Alice
cecilyjo: Hollywood Cemetery
cecilyjo: Winnie's Angel
cecilyjo: Bronze Angel
cecilyjo: Atkinson Angel
cecilyjo: Hollywood Cemetery
cecilyjo: Hollywood Cemetery
cecilyjo: Hooded Guardian
cecilyjo: Hollywood Cemetery
cecilyjo: Hollywood Cemetery
cecilyjo: Hollywood Cemetery
cecilyjo: Orange Tomb
cecilyjo: Simoneaux Tomb
cecilyjo: Stone Angel
cecilyjo: Cemetery Angel
cecilyjo: for Angie
cecilyjo: Angel, St. Joseph's Cemetery
cecilyjo: For Saints Have Hands...
cecilyjo: Angel
cecilyjo: angel
cecilyjo: pugh baby
cecilyjo: pugh baby from the side
cecilyjo: Angel
cecilyjo: Rose Hill
cecilyjo: Rose Hill
cecilyjo: Birdsong