blamstur: Anchored
blamstur: USS Constitution
blamstur: Waiting Below Decks
blamstur: Just in case
blamstur: Self-Portrait on Old Ironsides
blamstur: How the heck did they know...
blamstur: Group Shot in Old Ironsides' Brass
blamstur: Old Ironsides Detail
blamstur: "EM NO DAERT T'NOD"
blamstur: Old Ironsides Detail
blamstur: Old Ironsides
blamstur: Ouch! It shouldn't happen to a dog.
blamstur: Faded Sign
blamstur: Duh!
blamstur: Here Lies...
blamstur: Crumbling Stone
blamstur: Here Lies...
blamstur: Copp's Hill Burying Ground
blamstur: Old North Church
blamstur: The Freedom Trail Direction Indicator
blamstur: St. Francis and Friend
blamstur: The Memorial Garden
blamstur: Paul Revere says, "Slap me five!"
blamstur: Maybe we should just get over it...
blamstur: Benvenuti
blamstur: Preparations Being Made
blamstur: Cantina Italiana
blamstur: North End House
blamstur: Dropped a Glove
blamstur: Ben Franklin and some hot chicks