Barb's Photos2006:
Mystery Flower, a Survivor! (1 of 2)
Barb's Photos2006:
Mystery Flower, a Survivor! (2 of 2)
Barb's Photos2006:
From Our Tiny Garden
Barb's Photos2006:
Gift from best friend as a bulb this winter from her garden (4 of 4)
Barb's Photos2006:
Gift from best friend as a bulb this winter from her garden (3 of 4)
Barb's Photos2006:
Gift from best friend as a bulb this winter from her garden.(2 of 4)
Barb's Photos2006:
Gift from best friend as a bulb this winter from her garden (1 of 4)
Barb's Photos2006:
Been years since we've seen these bloom! #5 of 5
Barb's Photos2006:
Been years since we've seen these bloom! #4 of 5
Barb's Photos2006:
Been years since we've seen these bloom! #3 of 5
Barb's Photos2006:
Been years since we've seen these bloom! #2 of 5
Barb's Photos2006:
Been years since we've seen these bloom! #1 of 5
Barb's Photos2006:
Flowers Blooming for Our Birds
Barb's Photos2006:
Flowers Blooming for Our Birds
Barb's Photos2006:
Yucca Trying to Flower
Barb's Photos2006:
Our dear friends Rose Garden
Barb's Photos2006:
An Up Close Look
Barb's Photos2006:
Our Coleus in Bloom
Barb's Photos2006:
Started from seed, love this Cosmos Tubular Petals
Barb's Photos2006:
Found On my favorite Cosmos
Barb's Photos2006:
Thanksgiving Leftovers