barbmz: San Sebastian - Donostia
barbmz: San Sebastian - Donostia
barbmz: Ready to perform
barbmz: Blooming Tamarix
barbmz: Leisurely stroll along the promenade of Concha Bay
barbmz: Waiting for the bride?
barbmz: Blessed carousel
barbmz: On the beach
barbmz: On the beach
barbmz: Natural passage
barbmz: Lighthouse of Cape Higuer
barbmz: Surrounded by green
barbmz: Animal spectator
barbmz: Take a break
barbmz: Hiking high above the ocean
barbmz: Before the competition - "trainera" in Pasaia
barbmz: Before the competition - "trainera" in Pasaia
barbmz: The black two of us
barbmz: Coastal cat
barbmz: Zumaia, San Pedro
barbmz: "Flysch" in the Geopark at Zumaia
barbmz: Zumaia, Geopark with chapel San Telmo
barbmz: Zumaia, Geopark: View from San Telmo
barbmz: Zumaia, Geopark at high tide
barbmz: Zumaia, Geopark at low tide
barbmz: Hondarribia/Fuenterrabía in Basque Country
barbmz: Framework in Hondarribia/Fuenterrabía in Basque Country
barbmz: Who is spotting the nose, lol? - Hondarribia/Fuenterrabía in Basque Country
barbmz: Claims, formerly and now in Hondarribia/Fuenterrabía in Basque Country
barbmz: Hondarribia/Fuenterrabía in Basque Country