Barbara McPherson: And she's climbing a stairway
Barbara McPherson: Whatever way the wind blows
Barbara McPherson: Seattle shapes
Barbara McPherson: An orange thing
Barbara McPherson: Space needle, again
Barbara McPherson: Windy, in color
Barbara McPherson: Remember these?
Barbara McPherson: Not cardboard
Barbara McPherson: metal triangle log thingy
Barbara McPherson: From a distance
Barbara McPherson: Space needle, closer
Barbara McPherson: Orange thing
Barbara McPherson: Rachel home from England
Barbara McPherson: Count my teeth
Barbara McPherson: There was a little girl who had a little curl ...
Barbara McPherson: Focused attention
Barbara McPherson: Serious discussion
Barbara McPherson: Pacific Science Center
Barbara McPherson: Erik, excited
Barbara McPherson: Wave to the crowd
Barbara McPherson: Something in this picture bugs me
Barbara McPherson: Kelly's family
Barbara McPherson: All of us taken by a stranger
Barbara McPherson: Trio in brown
Barbara McPherson: Duet in Blue
Barbara McPherson: Dishwasher extraodinaire