ellerbarbara: creek crossing
ellerbarbara: above Kitling creek
ellerbarbara: postholing
ellerbarbara: heading toward Kitling Pass
ellerbarbara: The views are not good enough at Kitling Pass, let's go higher!
ellerbarbara: Cartman died and gone to heaven
ellerbarbara: goofy shadow people
ellerbarbara: Tom, Matt and Carla admiring my tent, I think 😀
ellerbarbara: eastern views
ellerbarbara: Moon rising over Henry Shire's tarp tent
ellerbarbara: best campsite ever
ellerbarbara: Sun sets behind Gabriel
ellerbarbara: Still light at 10 PM with an almost full moon
ellerbarbara: sunset
ellerbarbara: morning
ellerbarbara: breakfast
ellerbarbara: looking at Pk 6882
ellerbarbara: looking back at our camp from Pk 6400 Trumpet on the left
ellerbarbara: climbers on the summit of Trumpet/Pk 6865
ellerbarbara: Matt, Carla, Tom and Eric leaving Trumpet Pk and heading for the exit gully on the right
ellerbarbara: Kitling, Cub, Mesahchie, Katsuk
ellerbarbara: Tom in his happy home
ellerbarbara: leaving camp
ellerbarbara: Matt getting ready for a mandatory swim in Kitling Lake
ellerbarbara: hike out along Kitling Creek