baratunde: see the line running up Frederick Douglass
baratunde: line wrapped from 125th, up frederick douglass and down 126th
baratunde: the marquee
baratunde: young bro husslin tees
baratunde: drummers
baratunde: drummers
baratunde: marquee
baratunde: my friend kofi and his wife nicole
baratunde: people behind me in line
baratunde: harlem gospel choir
baratunde: harlem gospel choir
baratunde: community leader, member of freemasons
baratunde: power violinist
baratunde: young activists working for obama
baratunde: more young activists
baratunde: state sen. bill perkins
baratunde: chris rock!
baratunde: chris rock!
baratunde: obama takes the stage
baratunde: lights cameras action
baratunde: commanding presence
baratunde: presence
baratunde: more presence