baratunde: frighteningly "planned" communities
baratunde: duplex under construction near MOPAC
baratunde: seeing a house come together
baratunde: developer and contractor
baratunde: these will be beautiful
baratunde: texas bumper stickers
baratunde: dinner @ threadgills
baratunde: dinner @ threadgills
baratunde: every place is a stage
baratunde: austin racing into the future
baratunde: breaking bread with brad
baratunde: when CCDs collide
baratunde: brad himself
baratunde: my "artistic" photo
baratunde: black person alert
baratunde: meeting george kelly
baratunde: funky car
baratunde: IMG_3685.JPG
baratunde: denise, tim, tiffany b brown
baratunde: with Bnita-Denise, Tim & Tiffany B. Brown (part of the blackosphere)
baratunde: IMG_3688.JPG
baratunde: more CCD collision
baratunde: IMG_3691.JPG
baratunde: funky vehicle
baratunde: but i'm far from Boston!
baratunde: peter bart session
baratunde: the convention center
baratunde: oooooh aaaaaah
baratunde: chocolate cake twinkie!
baratunde: identity blogging panel