banthaskull: you can see really far today
banthaskull: mike riley is a-ok
banthaskull: soccer is also fun
banthaskull: chillin' in the grass
banthaskull: picking teams...
banthaskull: the group of people to pick from...
banthaskull: the other goons!
banthaskull: broken beer nees plastic cup
banthaskull: kieth thomas
banthaskull: debating the next pick
banthaskull: t-shirt grab
banthaskull: the ubiquitous flags!
banthaskull: josh pitching
banthaskull: checking the base runner...
banthaskull: making the catch
banthaskull: piss off...
banthaskull: amanda + a beer...
banthaskull: baltimore moms
banthaskull: gilbo!
banthaskull: BPM...
banthaskull: kane and a banger!
banthaskull: jerrod sending one out....
banthaskull: what a fartwrangler...
banthaskull: chatting about stuff and junk