banthaskull: what's up.
banthaskull: chillin'
banthaskull: ang's new best friend.
banthaskull: egon finds a friend
banthaskull: oscar on the rug..
banthaskull: chillin'
banthaskull: tank is a jerk
banthaskull: tank wants to play...
banthaskull: egon doesn't want to play
banthaskull: me and the pugs
banthaskull: the chase
banthaskull: me and my buddy...
banthaskull: egon pug.
banthaskull: little dogs, little dogs.
banthaskull: trapped in the closet
banthaskull: egon chillin' in bed
banthaskull: egon looks scared!
banthaskull: did egon get what he wanted?
banthaskull: egon's full of love!
banthaskull: me and zhimo!
banthaskull: zhimo guarding the crockpot
banthaskull: cheeto!
banthaskull: egon sleeping on the couch...
banthaskull: undercover brother!
banthaskull: farmer egon!
banthaskull: wyman park dogs in action
banthaskull: egon on the move...
banthaskull: zhimo!