The Bankstons: falling asleep at the bottle
The Bankstons: drifting off
The Bankstons: waking up with a vengeance
The Bankstons: grumpy sleeping
The Bankstons: she's going in for the latch, I'm going in for a kiss
The Bankstons: sticking her tongue out
The Bankstons: cuddling
The Bankstons: wide eyes
The Bankstons: with her cat rattle
The Bankstons: Dottie duck is her favorite
The Bankstons: biting Dottie
The Bankstons: "kissing" Dottie
The Bankstons: with the stacking ring
The Bankstons: queen of everything
The Bankstons: psychadelic hair
The Bankstons: look at that double chin!
The Bankstons: fist pump
The Bankstons: Dimples Bankston
The Bankstons: naptime