Subtly Obnoxious:
Toilet at the Prada Aoyama Store
Subtly Obnoxious:
Prada at Aoyama
Subtly Obnoxious:
Prada at Aoyama
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me x Daisy
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me love Genie as Mermaid
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me with Genie hat
Subtly Obnoxious:
Adrian with Genie hat
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me with Tiara Mickey Ears... hehe
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me imitating Jasmine
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me with Chip
Subtly Obnoxious:
Subtly Obnoxious:
Chinese Restaurant near Ginza
Subtly Obnoxious:
Bang bang...
Subtly Obnoxious:
Dangling monkey
Subtly Obnoxious:
eating the black egg
Subtly Obnoxious:
Me amongst Sulphur