Bambola 2012:
if only they had been born in his time....
Bambola 2012:
when we grow up....
Bambola 2012:
no sand for building castles
Bambola 2012:
tribute to Lorca
Bambola 2012:
Bambola 2012:
happy in springtime
Bambola 2012:
Bambola 2012:
Zadar - riva
Bambola 2012:
they got married but we got crazy! (from 2009)
Bambola 2012:
Bambola 2012:
she went for a swim
Bambola 2012:
too much sangria on a hot summer day....
Bambola 2012:
no name photo
Bambola 2012:
New Year's 2010/11
Bambola 2012:
2014 is here and we wish you all the best!
Bambola 2012:
Bambola 2012:
abrazos rotos
Bambola 2012:
Who knows what the year 2013 will bring? Only good things, I hope. Happy New Year, dear Flickr friends!
Bambola 2012:
Bambola 2012:
hide and seek in Madrid
Bambola 2012:
Bambola 2012:
the woods can be scary, right?! ;)
Bambola 2012:
The Queen of Hearts and the White Rabbit
Bambola 2012:
Alice in Wonderland
Bambola 2012:
O captain! My captain!
Bambola 2012:
who are you?
Bambola 2012:
when was the last time you took a deep look at your soul?
Bambola 2012:
taking my favorite t-shirt for a walk around rome
Bambola 2012:
Adorava que estivesses também...
Bambola 2012:
an unusual selfie