bamaboy1941: Adams Mark Hotel & Admiral Raphael Semmes Monument---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Admiral Raphael Semmes--June 27, 1900---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Attractive Downtown Building---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: B. C. Turner Building---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Balcony Looking Down (Mobile, Al.)
bamaboy1941: Bell Tower of Cathederal-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Bridge Going North Out of Mobile
bamaboy1941: Cartouche---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Cathederal Basilica of Immaculate Conception---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Cathederal-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Cathedral-Basilica of the Imacculate Conception---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: City Seal---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Colorful Buildings Downtown---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Construction of Battle House Tower---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: DeBriere Building---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Downtown Mobile
bamaboy1941: Mobile, Al. City Hall & Marketplace (Old)---NRHP
bamaboy1941: Downtown Mobile Alliance Bid Services---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Downtown Mobile from the GM&O Train Station---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Downtown Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Downtown Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Downtown---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Dr. Henry S. LeVert Office---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Entering Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Exact Location of Forts of Mobile
bamaboy1941: F.W. Woolworth (Old)---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Gayfer's Dept. Store---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: Gazebo in Bienville Park---Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: George Wallace Tunnel entering Mobile, Al.
bamaboy1941: GM&O Railroad Emblem---Mobile, Al.