bamaboy1941: Bridge Over The Tennessee River---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Wooden Indian---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Kerney Brother's Grocery Store---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Corner of Worth Street and Gunter Ave.---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: R.P. Means Grocery Store---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Dr. John Allan Wyeth and Family---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Soldier John Allan Wyeth---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: The Democrat---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Guntersville Post Office---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Old Marshall County High School---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Woco Pep---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Snowy Day at the Woodall Hotel---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Holloway Law Office---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Anchor at Museum---Guntersille, Al.
bamaboy1941: 4 Sided Water Fountain---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Baldt Anchor Company---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Armory Commission of Ala.---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Marshall County Court House---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: First Marshall County Court House---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Historic Marker---Site of Early Movie House and Congressman's Law Office---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Marshall County Court House---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Black Eyed Susan's---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Table 6 Sign---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: The Bonita-Cosmo Theatre (Old)---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: The Rexall Drug Store---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Guntersville City Jail---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Guntersville Motor Company---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Broad Street---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: Matthew Culbert Home---Guntersville, Al.
bamaboy1941: The Whole Backstage Community Theatre Sign---Guntersville, Al.