baltic_86 (mostly off):
Little flower
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Lily with shadow
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pink beauty
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hibiscus at sunrise
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pink tulips
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Red Hibiscus
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White flower
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baltic_86 (mostly off):
in-house hibiscus
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resting dragonfly in Florida
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Don't juge me by the cover.... look at my heart :-)
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too shy to put its head up...
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not sure who you are
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Just dream about me...
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macro mania
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"I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This requires that I will be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me". Mother Teresa
baltic_86 (mostly off):
Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. "The Secret"
baltic_86 (mostly off):
Time to rest
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Please see the title below (no space to post it here:-)
baltic_86 (mostly off):
"Remind yourself daily that there is no way to happiness; rather, happines is the way." Lao-tsu
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I am dreaming... but...not really :-)
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"Every act of Love is a work of peace, no matter how small." Mother Teresa
baltic_86 (mostly off):
Please see the title below.... too long:-)
baltic_86 (mostly off):
For Your Wedding - Jarek
baltic_86 (mostly off):
“It is important to differentiate between your needs and your wants. Your needs are few, while your wants can be limitless”. Paramhansa Yogananda
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"The only worthwhile accomplishments are not those we achive outwardly, but the victories we win over ourselves." P. Yogananda