baldheretic: Shoulders - Pete "Wet Dawg" Gordon
baldheretic: The "Dazzling" Pete Gray
baldheretic: Dazzling Pete Gray
baldheretic: David Beebe Three + 1
baldheretic: The "Dazzling" Pete Gray aka "Peter King"
baldheretic: Polish Pete and the "Polka? I hardly know her!" Band - 1
baldheretic: Polish Pete and the "Polka? I hardly know her!" Band - 2
baldheretic: Polish Pete and the "Polka? I hardly know her!" Band - 3
baldheretic: Polish Pete and the "Polka? I hardly know her!" Band - 4
baldheretic: Singing Santa
baldheretic: Jim Henkel, Pete Gordon and Allen Hill
baldheretic: Pete Gordon and The Suspects
baldheretic: Pete Gordon
baldheretic: Strange Duet
baldheretic: "Dazzling" Pete Gray and Ken Goodman
baldheretic: Roy Head and "Dazzling" Pete Gray
baldheretic: Ken Goodman, Roy Head and "Dazzling" Pete Gray
baldheretic: Peter King
baldheretic: Peter King of The Light Rock Express
baldheretic: The "Dazzling" Pete Gray
baldheretic: Skipper and Pete
baldheretic: Dazzling Pete Gray and Skipper
baldheretic: Light Rock Express - Chevy Van 3
baldheretic: Peter King and the Porn Stache