baldheretic: Morning Storm Traffic
baldheretic: 100 % crop @ 400mm
baldheretic: Uncropped photo shot at 400mm
baldheretic: Meercat
baldheretic: Toucan
baldheretic: Yawning Tiger
baldheretic: Toucan
baldheretic: Giraffe
baldheretic: Giraffe
baldheretic: Ostrich
baldheretic: Giant Eland
baldheretic: Gian Anteater
baldheretic: Southern ground hornbill
baldheretic: Grackle
baldheretic: Crested Duck
baldheretic: Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent
baldheretic: Giraffe
baldheretic: Giant Eland
baldheretic: Resolution And Detail
baldheretic: Mockingbird Sings For A Mate
baldheretic: Blue Jay Collecting Nesting Material
baldheretic: Mockingbird Sings For A Mate
baldheretic: Mr. & Mrs. Blue Jay Collecting Nesting Material
baldheretic: Blue Jay Collecting Nesting Material