life stories photography: Mexican hot chocolate, lemon cookie and a new year. Still thinking on my one little word.
life stories photography: curate. my word for 2016
life stories photography: feels like spring
life stories photography: trying to keep warm, tackle my to do list and a little collage. Happy Friday.
life stories photography: trying to keep warm and thinking about Lent. Happy Ash Wednesday
life stories photography: a lovely start to my day. Happy Wednesday.
life stories photography: a little cheer for these rainy day blues. Happy Wednesday.
life stories photography: lots of giggles and fun and watching the snow and waiting for the refrigerator repairman. Happy Thursday
life stories photography: gray and rainy but happy thoughts thinking about the summer garden.
life stories photography: sleeping now after making noise all night. Happy Wednesday
life stories photography: Easter leftovers
life stories photography: tiny treasures on our walk. Happy Tuesday
life stories photography: lots of sunshine today. Yay!
life stories photography: good morning. Cutting vintage papers and hopefully find time to collage. Happy Wednesday
life stories photography: Happy Wednesday
life stories photography: Happy Saturday
life stories photography: some beauty on the front porch. Happy Tuesday
life stories photography: a little fun before chores
life stories photography: at the back door
life stories photography: Summer nights. After mass. Saint Helens festival.
life stories photography: I think our chipmunk friend left us some love on our front porch ❤️
life stories photography: loving on the beauties. Happy Wednesday
life stories photography: love that we have a long weekend. Happy Saturday
life stories photography: Happy Fourth of July!
life stories photography: married 23 years yesterday ❤️ happy Monday
life stories photography: going to visit my parents. First time ever leaving Noah. Feeling a mess. Sitting here alone feels odd since I have not been alone since having my boy. Going to miss my boys and happy to see my parents and family soon. Happy Tuesday xo
life stories photography: got this at the airport. Hope they taste good. Taking a break from cleaning out my office/ creative space.