life stories photography: takes his time opening gifts
life stories photography: day 360: Christmas morning
life stories photography: Merry Christmas xo
life stories photography: day 359: Christmas Mass early so Noah's not out after midnight
life stories photography: Christmas greetings
life stories photography: lemon and orange cookies
life stories photography: day 357: baking lemon and orange cookies
life stories photography: day 354: Christmas tree and fire wood
life stories photography: tree of lights
life stories photography: Christmas cards and etsy orders mailed today
life stories photography: twinkle lights
life stories photography: Oh deer. Happy Monday
life stories photography: merry making (from the other day)
life stories photography: visited the tree farm today
life stories photography: visiting with Santa
life stories photography: day 349: Santa visit
life stories photography: day 347: the gingerbread man.
life stories photography: the gingerbread man
life stories photography: Christmas tree blur
life stories photography: snowy Christmas tree