bakedfish: Arlington
bakedfish: Arlington
bakedfish: Arlington
bakedfish: robin at Arlington
bakedfish: Arlington
bakedfish: Arlington
bakedfish: tuna melt from Sticky FIngers
bakedfish: dad with a vegan quesadilla
bakedfish: Working Blue cupcake from Sticky Fingers
bakedfish: National Air and Space
bakedfish: National Air and Space
bakedfish: the Capitol
bakedfish: antelope at the Natural History Museum
bakedfish: trilobite!
bakedfish: seabird at the Natural History Museum
bakedfish: Natural History Museum
bakedfish: Natural History Museum
bakedfish: bored tarantula
bakedfish: Natural History Museum
bakedfish: mom and dad at the Washington Monument
bakedfish: kite flying on the mall
bakedfish: Washington Monument
bakedfish: WWII memorial
bakedfish: WWII memorial and the Washington Monument
bakedfish: Lincoln Memorial
bakedfish: mom and dad at the Lincoln Memorial
bakedfish: the missing reflecting pool
bakedfish: Lincoln Memorial
bakedfish: Vietnam Memorial
bakedfish: bird on the lawn