bajinja: Watching "The Future of Food"
bajinja: Peaceful Carmen
bajinja: Peaches from Sixth Street's local farmers
bajinja: Plums from Sixth Street's local farmers
bajinja: Lydia, Andrea, Kimberly, Racquel, Talia and Elizabeth hold down the Sixth Street stoop
bajinja: Pedro, ready to go
bajinja: Checking out the scenery
bajinja: This is New York?
bajinja: Howard shows Josh before pictures of the garden's plot
bajinja: Richard at the koi pond
bajinja: Koi pond
bajinja: Grapes
bajinja: Tourists in our own city!
bajinja: "Tiled" garden walk - pulled from the abandoned building once occupying the plot
bajinja: Kimberly, Kalil, Priscilla and Andrea, with Howard
bajinja: Josh at La Plaza
bajinja: Our new friend at 6th & B Garden
bajinja: Pollination
bajinja: Resting in the gazebo
bajinja: Mural at La Plaza
bajinja: Peaches!
bajinja: Damila and the tiny peach
bajinja: Damila's harvest
bajinja: Kalil and Innocent communing with nature
bajinja: Talia and Shah find a peaceful spot
bajinja: Frank and Cynthia practice their pitch
bajinja: Kalil and Kimberly pound the pavement
bajinja: The gang
bajinja: The gang +1