PhilBailey Photography: Quick run he's taking a photo !!!
PhilBailey Photography: Half 'n' Half
PhilBailey Photography: Keeping warm
PhilBailey Photography: Tiny Grasshopper
PhilBailey Photography: Tiny Grasshopper
PhilBailey Photography: When Swans Attack !!!
PhilBailey Photography: Trying to sleep!
PhilBailey Photography: Look i'm sick of playing, where are you ?
PhilBailey Photography: I can't see you, so you can't see me !!!!
PhilBailey Photography: business must be slow !!!
PhilBailey Photography: Hello there !
PhilBailey Photography: HEY !!!!! Where is your other leg ?
PhilBailey Photography: Got you !!!
PhilBailey Photography: Final approach,.....Landing gear down !
PhilBailey Photography: You could have turned around !!!!