Ann's Pix getting out of rut: CIRCLE OF CRYSTAL Theme Circle for 52weeks of pix 2011 week 2
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Circle of Crystal No 42 glass for 111 of 2011
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme liquids- 52weeks of pix 2011 and Drip,drop, splash No 95 for 111 of 2011
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme liquids week3 52 weeks of pix and No71 red for 111of2011
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: 52 weeks of pix 2011 week 4 - Theme My Pet Peeve- When people do not replace the toilet rolls when they have used the last sheet
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Week5 Theme One for 52weeks of pix
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: theme one for 52 weeks of pix 2011 week5
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme In the Morning-Week6-52weeksofpix
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: close up of hopper
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Why do I feel like such a drip when I am just HANGING around :-)
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: something hanging
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Textured Green Frog
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme Streets 52 weeks of pix 2011
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme Repetition - Sunsets every evening only the time varies. Also for ABC open camera club
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme - Bokeh - week 16 - 52 weeks of pix
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme - Happiness The Sky is blue,the Flowers are blooming and all is well THEME -SOOC
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Theme - Happiness
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Landscape of Bargara Beach
Ann's Pix getting out of rut: Bargara Beach. Queensland. Australia.