Dr. Bahraini ™: Forza De Campione Italia ! !
Dr. Bahraini ™: My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there
Dr. Bahraini ™: You may delay, but time will not ..
Dr. Bahraini ™: The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it
Dr. Bahraini ™: Easy is to admire a full moon
Dr. Bahraini ™: Light your day . . .
Dr. Bahraini ™: Make a wish upon a crescent moon . .
Dr. Bahraini ™: A view from my Window. .
Dr. Bahraini ™: Reach to the sky and make it to heaven before your dreams grow old!
Dr. Bahraini ™: The four things that cannot be recovered . .
Dr. Bahraini ™: Reach me . . .
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** D.R.E.A.M.S **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** At the end of the day **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** North - South **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** Rewind **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** T.R.U.S.T **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** Memories **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** Alone in The Ocean **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** I Believe i Can **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** Kingdom Of Bahrain **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** With each sunrise or sunset there’s a change of view **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** TROY **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** Deep into horizon **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** When dreams come true **
Dr. Bahraini ™: ** Downfall **
Dr. Bahraini ™: نـــــــــســـــــــيـــــــم الـــــــبـــــحــــر
Dr. Bahraini ™: 1:30 PM .... Eygpt time ....
Dr. Bahraini ™: Hope ur wishes come true !
Dr. Bahraini ™: Look over there !!