Bahama Mama2007: Pump and Barn - Amana Colonies
Bahama Mama2007: Fall in Iowa
Bahama Mama2007: Fall Bounty
Bahama Mama2007: Home Tweet Home
Bahama Mama2007: Sweet weeds of Fall
Bahama Mama2007: A street in Winterset
Bahama Mama2007: The view from the bridge
Bahama Mama2007: A bridge
Bahama Mama2007: The view at the top of the road
Bahama Mama2007: The rolling hills of Iowa
Bahama Mama2007: A statue outside the the Warren County Courthouse
Bahama Mama2007: Plaque that goes with the statue outside the courthouse in Warren County
Bahama Mama2007: An Indian Teepee in front of the Madison County Courthouse
Bahama Mama2007: Push Me Pull You? LOL
Bahama Mama2007: "I'm ready for my close up"
Bahama Mama2007: Madison County Courthouse
Bahama Mama2007: Leaves on the sidewalk
Bahama Mama2007: The Blue Door
Bahama Mama2007: The corner building
Bahama Mama2007: Winterset Covered Bridge Festival
Bahama Mama2007: Des Moines Botanical Center
Bahama Mama2007: University Ave
Bahama Mama2007: University Ave bridge
Bahama Mama2007: Across the river
Bahama Mama2007: Des Moines Botanical Center
Bahama Mama2007: Des Moines Botanical Center