bah_alors: A blue frame
bah_alors: splash ?
bah_alors: keep walking
bah_alors: sunset/fisherman
bah_alors: boat
bah_alors: Jurassic park?
bah_alors: Monsoon
bah_alors: Manukan
bah_alors: Beri Jalan
bah_alors: plant
bah_alors: drops
bah_alors: Hotel
bah_alors: sittin' on the dock of the baaay
bah_alors: nice sunset in KK
bah_alors: you don't want to get lost here
bah_alors: tiny crossroads
bah_alors: Diriwan
bah_alors: River cruise
bah_alors: Mister Krabs
bah_alors: plane
bah_alors: Mamutik beach
bah_alors: let's take it all back home
bah_alors: fruit seller
bah_alors: not quite awake
bah_alors: KK market
bah_alors: a bit of advertising
bah_alors: KK at night