bagofspiders: everildis
bagofspiders: everildis and mandy koala
bagofspiders: everildis
bagofspiders: Ezzie: Ok, now mom takes a group shot! On three, everyone! One, two, three!
bagofspiders: Pogo: Hurry up, Ezzie! This box is huge!
bagofspiders: "Bye! I'm going to school!"
bagofspiders: "What? What do you want?"
bagofspiders: "Yes, I have my bag right here!"
bagofspiders: "Well, what's your deal then?"
bagofspiders: "Why wouldn't I? I'm a princess!"
bagofspiders: "Everyone at school should know, too! Don't you think?"
bagofspiders: "Yeah, I guess so. I'll lose the tiara."
bagofspiders: everildis
bagofspiders: 365 Toy Project 234.365
bagofspiders: Bonnets for everyone!