bagofspiders: rustic ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: rustic ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: rustic ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: ezzie-bob always looks so bored
bagofspiders: toy theme monthly: new year's resolutions
bagofspiders: Ezzie: Ok, now mom takes a group shot! On three, everyone! One, two, three!
bagofspiders: The temperamental photographer
bagofspiders: Pogo: Hurry up, Ezzie! This box is huge!
bagofspiders: ever-bored
bagofspiders: a day among days.
bagofspiders: "he's gonna fly away!"
bagofspiders: "tiny paper dragon!"
bagofspiders: "lookit what i found!"
bagofspiders: "hi staring neighbors!"
bagofspiders: ezzie and the candy corn nails
bagofspiders: ever-petulant ezzie-bob
bagofspiders: Because you look cute in anything!
bagofspiders: "Though, I really don't get..."
bagofspiders: " got nails to match my hair!"
bagofspiders: I want you to show how my nails match your hair.