Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Riflessi sul temo - Reflections on the Temo
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Non ci resta che piangere... Nothing Left to Do But Cry...
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: reflection to the sunset - riflessione al tramonto
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Vagoni minerari - Mining wagon
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Ultimi scampoli di luce - Last oddments of light
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Dimenticati... It forgets to you
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Riflessioni al tramonto Reflections to the sunset
Bagna [Smile is better, always and everywhere!]: Come tetto un cielo primaverile... A vernal sky for roof