Bagatell: Doggie sweater!
Bagatell: First time in pool!
Bagatell: Rainy
Bagatell: More rainy
Bagatell: Uh...?
Bagatell: Pool entrance area
Bagatell: New pool at Mom's house.
Bagatell: End view of pool area
Bagatell: P1020128
Bagatell: Spider flower
Bagatell: Disgusting worm parasite thing. Toe for size comparison.
Bagatell: Cows in upper field.
Bagatell: Moo!
Bagatell: House!
Bagatell: Yard/pasture
Bagatell: House
Bagatell: This is where sheep will go!
Bagatell: Apple tree!
Bagatell: Apple!
Bagatell: Hi biscuit (a.k.a. hibiscus - Hi Mom!)
Bagatell: Gross moth thing
Bagatell: Wheel!
Bagatell: Echoing
Bagatell: I Want Herbal!
Bagatell: Pine
Bagatell: Pine again
Bagatell: Tiger Lilly
Bagatell: The house!
Bagatell: Lavender
Bagatell: Just after sunrise