Photos of Southwest Montana:
Mule Deer Bucks
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Mule Deer Bucks
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Mule deer Doe and Fawn
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Antelope Doe and Fawn
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Pronghorn Doe and Twins
Photos of Southwest Montana:
One Should Not Disturb a Lady in her Bed
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Winter Grazing
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Pronghorn Buck
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Tough Chewing
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Ever Had the Feeling You are Being Watched??
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Whitetail Buck
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Buffalo Bull
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Buff Wallowing
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Buffalo Heifer
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Bedded Buck
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Sunrise Elk
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Elk Calf
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Grazing Through the Afternoon
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Summer Velvet
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Run Away!!!
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Elk in Velvet
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Bedded Fork Horn
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Pronghorn Buck
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Pronghorn Portrait
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Pronghorn Buck II
Photos of Southwest Montana:
Big Sheep Creek Buck Portrait