Badanimalzoo: Got out of the dress - now much more comfortable!
Badanimalzoo: Nana and Evie
Badanimalzoo: Evie and her "big" cousin
Badanimalzoo: Very serious
Badanimalzoo: Hanging out together
Badanimalzoo: Might be related
Badanimalzoo: Bella and Evie
Badanimalzoo: Cousins - watching their new animal babies show
Badanimalzoo: Bella, Mama and Evie
Badanimalzoo: Opening Easter basket from Nana
Badanimalzoo: Checking for candy
Badanimalzoo: Evie - dress doesn't get in the way
Badanimalzoo: P1060112
Badanimalzoo: Evie in her Easter dress