BAD BAB: That puppy look...
BAD BAB: Joe and Pete
BAD BAB: Looking for a handout
BAD BAB: Ghost dog
BAD BAB: Waiting dog
BAD BAB: Pete the pup
BAD BAB: Pete the pup
BAD BAB: Pete with cardboard
BAD BAB: Cover me
BAD BAB: Pete crashes on the couch
BAD BAB: So sleepy
BAD BAB: Pete3
BAD BAB: The ear trick
BAD BAB: Natural light
BAD BAB: Flopsy
BAD BAB: Mopsy
BAD BAB: Wiggly
BAD BAB: Waggly
BAD BAB: Chillin' with Charlotte
BAD BAB: My new niece puppy...
BAD BAB: Ear flip...
BAD BAB: Gotta love that face
BAD BAB: Sassy lady
BAD BAB: Biting Aunt Beth
BAD BAB: Licking Uncle Joe
BAD BAB: In your face
BAD BAB: Basking in the sun
BAD BAB: Dark and light