spooky dad: $15 XXL Underwater Pants
spooky dad: [back of "Fabulous Planet]
spooky dad: Curious Dragg hand painted on.
spooky dad: Curious Dragg Closeup
spooky dad: Socket for nick
spooky dad: [back of "Fabulous Planet"]
spooky dad: [back of the socket]
spooky dad: $19Gazelda - Cream
spooky dad: Gazelda - white
spooky dad: GaZelda 2
spooky dad: pick-a-comic
spooky dad: So Socket
spooky dad: So Socket w/logo
spooky dad: The Just Kidding Snake
spooky dad: the VIBES
spooky dad: bb shirt - Pizza Wizard [blue]
spooky dad: bb shirt - Pizza Saucesome
spooky dad: bb shirt - Personal Pan Peter