BackSideOfWater: Thomond Village
BackSideOfWater: View from the Bridge
BackSideOfWater: A wee gate
BackSideOfWater: Dromroe Village
BackSideOfWater: And then they threw it on the ground!
BackSideOfWater: Path to campus, through Dromroe
BackSideOfWater: On the way to the ruins
BackSideOfWater: Traverse
BackSideOfWater: Magical!
BackSideOfWater: Into the Garden
BackSideOfWater: Just like Mary Lennox
BackSideOfWater: Through the portal
BackSideOfWater: Under the threshold
BackSideOfWater: The approach
BackSideOfWater: The doorway
BackSideOfWater: Overgrown
BackSideOfWater: trekking
BackSideOfWater: Clashing art forms
BackSideOfWater: Up the wall
BackSideOfWater: Meghan and Rick
BackSideOfWater: Emerging
BackSideOfWater: Photo time
BackSideOfWater: Capturing the moment
BackSideOfWater: Entering the castle
BackSideOfWater: Underside of the stairway
BackSideOfWater: From inside to out
BackSideOfWater: Preparing to enter
BackSideOfWater: Let the Light Shine Through