Backpacking Dad: Use the Force, Bossy
Backpacking Dad: It's pretty much exactly what it looks like.
Backpacking Dad: He's cuter, but I'm taller.
Backpacking Dad: You can't tell from the picture, but Jenny The Bloggess and I just had a long conversation about sex toys.
Backpacking Dad: She was aiming low, but I have quick reflexes.
Backpacking Dad: When a children's television show star begs you to take a photo with her, you say "yes".
Backpacking Dad: She's cuter, but I'm taller.
Backpacking Dad: Jor-El forgot to tell Superman about the whole "Doomsday" story arc, so he sent Her Bad Mother to fill in the details.
Backpacking Dad: The Sexy Librarian and Some Blonde Woman
Backpacking Dad: We tantalize and hypnotize you with our facial hair.
Backpacking Dad: It's only occuring to me this far in to tagging photos that some people may have wanted to remain anonymous.
Backpacking Dad: You know those moments when you meet someone and grab them by their broken arm?
Backpacking Dad: Do you know why his first name is "The"?
Backpacking Dad: One, and only one, of these bloggers can pay attention worth a damn.
Backpacking Dad: The Palinode Tries to Destroy the World
Backpacking Dad: It's not really dancing unless there's an awkward, yet enthusiastic, white dude somewhere on the dance floor.
Backpacking Dad: This is the one I took to try to get Britt divorced.
Backpacking Dad: I have no idea who these people are.
Backpacking Dad: It's Chicky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that's right on time it's Chicky!
Backpacking Dad: But see, the Tricky Chicky Baby wasn't just sneaking into parties to stalk me, but also to stalk Tanis.
Backpacking Dad: I think, though I could have totally misread the body language here, that Amalah was trying to shave my neck with her forehead.
Backpacking Dad: This one time, VDog dragged me to a coffee house in Oakland and made me babysit 30 kids in exchange for some salad and a piece of cake.
Backpacking Dad: Somehow I managed to make this kind of sad and lonely picture of Avitable refusing to join the dance party on the dance floor even more sad and lonely by washing it out and tossing water spots all over it.
Backpacking Dad: Some people are just so pretty they make you look better in pictures.
Backpacking Dad: He's OnlyAman, but that's man enough for anyone.
Backpacking Dad: Don't ever let anyone tell you that a hockey fan and a football fan can't get along.
Backpacking Dad: Don't let anyone ever tell you that a Green Party member and a Conservative can't get along.
Backpacking Dad: After meeting Avitable, Karl Erikson gave up his quest to be the most offending man at BlogHer.
Backpacking Dad: Her Bad Mother (whose name I frequently want to type as Her Bat Mother because how awesome would it be to have a superhero for a mom, and I don't mean the lame "Yeah, all moms are superheroes" way, but in a utility belt kind of way?) talks about Aristotle
Backpacking Dad: "And this is how I eat corn on the cob. You have to imagine I'm holding a piece of corn. Stop looking at Anymommy. Bastard."